
Showing posts from March, 2024

Goals of HRM

  Goals of Human Resource Management. All businesses require capital to begin operations, whether to rent a building, purchase equipment or pay for electricity. But perhaps the most essential requirement for running a business is human capital – the employees hired to make the company run. Human resource departments are all about not only acquiring and managing this important company investment but ensuring that it is developed and sustained. An HR department that sets clear goals for managing its company's workforce will make great strides toward ensuring the company's success.                                                   Main Goals of Human Resource Management 01. Maintain Productivity with Workforce Planning. 02. Develop Evaluation Processes and Training Program. 03. Increasing Employee Engagement. 04. Policy Creation and Education. 05. Streamline Processes for Efficiency. 01. Maintain Productivity with Workforce Planning. Ensuring the organization has a sufficien


EVOLUTION  Human resource management,   HRM, has undergone a dramatic metamorphosis from its conventional administrative function to that of a strategic partner in the success of organizations. HRM's initial focus was on compliance and payroll processing, but it has now developed to closely match overarching corporate goals. Changes in workforce dynamics, globalization, and technology improvements have all contributed to this transformation. The field of strategic human resource management, or SHRM, was founded with the intention of integrating HR strategies with organizational objectives and emphasizing the value of people as assets. The use of analytics and HRIS in HRM has improved the department's capacity for data-driven decision-making and process optimization. In addition, HRM's priorities now include embracing diversity and inclusion, developing a positive workplace culture, and supporting employee well-being. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century included t