
Showing posts from April, 2024


  COMMON RECRUITING CHALLENGES AND HOW TO OVERCOME THEM The most common recruiting challenges and how to overcome them. In today’s competitive job market, finding and retaining top talent is more critical than ever, more than 90% of business leaders said their organization would not meet goals without the right talent. Leaders cited hiring or retaining talent as the biggest HR challenge. The reason for this is simple- candidates hold all of the cards in today’s job market. They can easily find a job that meets their needs, and they are often unwilling to take a job if they don’t see a clear path for advancement. Employers need to rethink their approach to talent acquisition, retention, engagement, and mobility to keep their workforce competitive. With that in mind, let’s look at how to overcome top recruiting challenges. You’ll be able to develop an effective recruiting approach that will help your company grow in the future if you’re proactive now and prepare for these issues. Labor/


  THE ROLE OF HR IN ORGANIZATION SUCCESS -WORKPLACE GRIEVANCE. Workplace Grievance A workplace grievance is a complaint made by an employee to their employer over a legal infraction (e.g. policies, employment contract, and national standards). Disputes at work can take many different shapes. They won't always be formalized in paper with the designation "workplace grievance." They are frequently created spontaneously through conversation. A worker may complain about another worker or even the manager. This covers anything from workplace harassment, bullying, and discrimination to problems with staff management, like micromanagement. Employees have the option of bringing grievances against one another or their company. Employers must be aware of what goes on in the workplace because complaints can take many different forms and occasionally the issues are not really serious. Understanding how to identify a complaint and handle it fairly and openly is crucial. Some examples


THE ROLE OF HR IN ORGANIZATION SUCCESS- STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS AT HR Strengths and Weakness at HR Human resource (HR) is responsible for all the workforce-related operations in an organization. For example, if a company is running low on employees, its HR department will recruit suitable employees by conducting interviews and designing attractive salary packages.HR also accounts for establishing a culture in the organization and solving the day-to-day problems of the employees. Strengths of HR HR strategy refers to long-term goals, such as building a top-tier workforce or becoming an employer of choice. HR functionality involves the operational side of HR, such as conducting open enrollment sessions for employees to select new health insurance coverage. Internal strengths for HR include executive leadership who support and promote HR strategic development. Another internal factor consists of HR staff knowledge and expertise because they are the employees ultimately responsible for carr


  THE ROLE OF HR IN ORGANIZATION SUCCESS -HR RESPONSIBILITIES HR Responsibilities T he workforce is the lifeblood of any business, they are the ones that drive the performance and profits of an organization. So, it is always important to pay heed to employ the right workforce that suits a company’s objectives. This is basically where HR enters the scene. However, they aren’t restricted to just that. Human resources (HR) is a part of an organization that sets its tone and ambiance and plays a major role in developing its work culture. HR deals with all the activities related to the employees of an organization. They are a vital part of any corporation as they bridge the gap between management and employees. They not only manage aspects of recruitment, training, and appraisals but also are crucial in developing an organization’s workforce internally. They also oversee all tenets of communication and compliance. HR is no longer just an optional cadre that’s treated as a luxury. Rather, it


  THE ROLE OF HR IN ORGANIZATION SUCCESS -HR MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION. What is HRM? According to The Harvard Model of Human Resource Management, created by Michael Beer, Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to the employment, development and wellbeing of the people working in an organization. Human resources management involves all management decisions and actions that affect the relationship between the organization and its employees – in other words, its human resources. HRM refers to the management of all decisions within an organization that are related to people. It concentrates on making the most of the human resources that are at the disposal of the organization and enhances the performance of employees to achieve the organization’s objectives. HRM ensures the seamless and effective application of policies and processes in the business. HRM is there to keep the balance between employee needs and satisfaction and an organization’s profitability and capability to re

HR Planning

  Heuman Resource Planning.   W orkforce planning is a core process of human resource management that is shaped by the organizational strategy and ensures the right number of people with the right skills, in the right place at the right time to deliver short- and long-term organizational objectives.’ CIPD (2019) Why and How Organizations Use HRP W hy do organizations plan their human resources? In the introduction, we outlined why some organizations no longer plan and described the background of change and uncertainty which discouraged them. Why is it that, facing the same pressures, other organizations continue to use HRP? From a review of the literature and our own research, there are a number of reasons which can be grouped into two: Planning for substantive reasons, i.e., to have a practical effect:  To optimize use of resources/make them more flexible. To acquire and grow skills which take time to develop. To identify potential problems To minimize the chances of making a bad

Job Design & Job Analysis

  Job Design & Job Analysis HRM Goal: Match Person & Job   Job Design •    Job Design :   “ It is concerned with changing, modifying and enriching jobs in order to capture the talents of employees while improving organization performance.” (Bohlander and Snell, 2010) Approaches to Job Design •    Mechanistic Approach •    Humanistic Approach •    Job Characteristics Approach •    Socio-Technical Systems Approach Fedric winslow taylor Mechanistic Approach •    Work is fully planned out by the management in advance and each employee receives written instructions, describing the task to be done   •    Focuses on tasks, work methods and flows, workplace layout, performance standards, and  interdependencies between people and machines. Humanistic Approach •    The Human Relations a pproach recognized the need to design jobs which are interesting and rewarding . •